(He’s the tall one in the light shirt and dark shorts 3rd from the right.) Yes, Soccer season is upon us again! Max went to tryouts and they were glad to welcome him aboard. It’s quite a new experience for him this year, since he and one other former 8th grader are the only white kids on the team!
K-Ville is really quite an agricultural area, what with it being the pear capital and all, that most of the school is made up of migrant Mexicans. So, with so many GREAT soccer players, there aren’t many white guys around!
Right away they started calling him “German” and (his favorite) “Rambo.” He is about the biggest player they have and he loves all their attention! Will get better pictures as the season progresses…
Their first game is the 31st of August, even though school doesn’t start for them until the day AFTER Labor Day! Last night’s practice was quite interesting as the fire department decided to do a controlled burn right across the street from their practice field! Luckily the wind didn’t carry too much smoke to interrupt the practice!
State law requires that schools in Virginia begin the day after Labor day unless they get an exception by proving that weather severely impacts the school year. When we first moved here Laura was dismayed to learn that school started in August. last year she found out the reasoning behind this when school was closed for a month straight because sub zero wind chill factors and nearly 5 feet of snow!
Our kids will have an interesting year this year. They will only be schooled for a month before we head off to Africa for a month...I wonder how that will all be. It's feeling like fall here actually so I bet Africa will feel like the hottest summer we've ever had!
Ours here go back after labor day too. Bet he likes all that kicking around sort of thing. Good for him something new that is safer than FOOTBALL!! ewwww smoke....glad it blew the other way..
Ours here go back after labor day too. Bet he likes all that kicking around sort of thing. Good for him something new that is safer than FOOTBALL!! ewwww smoke....glad it blew the other way..
I see I'll be watching my grandson play soon!
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