Sunday, November 28, 2010

Catching up

DSCF0861 I know it’s been a while since my last post, but things have been about the same here.  It’s been cold at night---well below 32 and fallish during the day with temps around 65 or lower mostly.  

Thanksgiving came and went.  Max ended up going with his friend, L, and siblings to Santa Rosa with L’s dad for most of the week.  They had fun:  seeing the new Harry Potter (rats, I still haven’t seen it yet---probably wait until the DVD comes out now) movie, going to the beach, playing endless Monopoly games, and kicking the soccer ball around (inventing all kinds of competitive games).  Hubby and I had a quiet holiday here at home.  We went to a friends for dinner on Thursday and enjoyed it, even though everyone missed Max.

2004_0805Image0033 (2) Talked to my 93 year old Mom the other day.  She’s doing well, although bummed out that so many people are dying around here---she says, “It seems like we have Memorial Services every day around here!”  When I asked about her childhood friend, Lavancha, (with whom she’s kept in touch over the years) in Michigan, she told me that she thought Lavancha was crazy---that she was going down south with another 94 year old lady friend driving her friend’s motor-home, just the two of them.  My Mom was appalled that they would attempt that!  “Can you imagine being on the road with a 93 and 94 year old woman at the wheel??”  Mom told me she was going to my brother’s house (only a couple of miles away) for dinner on Thursday.

Well, no news of real earth shattering importance here.  Max’s concert went off just fine, albeit a tag too long (listening to the adult orchestra’s 3 hour rehearsal too!).  The kids sounded just fine---but they wouldn’t let me take pictures.  Bahhh!


Ramblingon said...

Sue, I got tickled! Big smiles here. I would love to know your mother. She's a good one, as we say around here.

So glad you found the time to blog..always a pleasure to visit your "house".

JennyD said...

Lol, as always, I'm one click short of a load behind Carole and she ALWAYS thinks the way I do (hear that, Carole? I know you do). Anyway, SO good to see you back, Sue, and your mother looks fantastic! Tell her that for me and I don't lie. the same token, I'd be a bit on the doubtful side, or maybe just plain scared ___less with a 94 yr old at the wheel. Whew. Tough call, lol. What's as bad is the "kid" group that tells ME, at 63, that I should give some thought (spare me) about how long I should re-up my license. Are they nuts? Probably the same response by the 94 yr old, huh.

GreatGranny said...

What a joy to have your 93 year old Mother with you. I got a chuckle about the 93yr. 94 yr. olds in the motorhome. Goodness if I'm around that long, I hope I can still drive and have good sense... Keep us to date if you hear how the trip went and your Mother's dinner down the road.

Unknown said...

Snow is on the way over the weekend and we're colder than all get out. Hasn't been above freezing all week and the weather guessers are saying to expect more of the same. I'm not complaining because I can breathe a lot easier; just have to wear layers and I'm good to go!