Hard to believe it’s January! While the rest of the country is pretty much caught up in snow and cold temps, we here in CA are experiencing a “false” spring. Since I had a sleepless night last night and no real work lined up for today, I took the opportunity to take it easy. With camera in hand, I walked around the yard with Sadie (bouncing along beside and in front of me) and snapped a few pics out in the 70 degree sunshine.
Steve has been busy sawing wood and building ---looks like bee colony stuff--- from some wood that was given to us. The chickens are happy to have some sun and dryness too.
Charlie is his usual snotty self---always sneaking up on me and trying to attack from the rear. I always take my trusty rake into the pen now. The “girls” are doing great, even though they are showing signs of molting.
Spot is still a beauty and I believe this
is Fluffy (the biggest hen in the herd) and Grinnelda (the biggest pain in the neck of the Rhode Island Reds). They are almost all bigger than Charlie, if you don’t count Charlie’s EGO!
Sadie found an old horn in the yard and loves to throw it around, pretending someone is throwing it for her to chase. She does that with a ball too, and is hilarious in her play-alone antics. She still hasn’t come into heat yet, but we’re hoping it will happen soon.
Found this old birdhouse nestled in the twisting grape vines---looks unoccupied, but come REAL spring, it might have new residents! They say this warm, dry spell will last until February, so I’m taking advantage of it all I can!