Sunday, August 15, 2010


DSCF0636 Yup.  Max’s room is definitely getting too small.  As you can see in the corner, he acquired a new Bass over the weekend!  His room is so small I couldn’t stand back any further to get it all in the picture!  In fact, I was standing in the hall, leaning around the corner to get that one! 

DSCF0635 He found this 3/4 size bass (believe it or not, it is NOT full sized—the body is a little narrower and the neck isn’t as long or wide) for just the right price, which included the carrying bag.  He had saved all but$15 of the price, so I scraped up the last bit for him.  Because he paid in cash, the owner gave it to him as if without the tax.  It sounds almost as big as a full sized one---pros use them as practice basses because they are easier to lug around.  This one is a big larger than the usual 3/4 sized one.  Here is a comparison of a full sized one (the red one) and his new one:  DSCF0283   DSCF0633

So, he is in 7th heaven now with his own upright (which he can bow too!).  Will let you know what name he decided to bestow upon it (the red one which belongs to the school, I understand, is named “Rosie”).  What would YOU name it???


Unknown said...

Sounds like he's naming them after the colour so his new one ought really to be called Tan.

Ramblingon said...

I love a man who names his musical instruments! I have a guitar and his name is Gibson. He IS a Gibson guitar, yes but it was a good name for him. My computer has a name too. Miles. The car is Miyuki. (Japanese for snowflake)

How about Tanner?

CAROLDEE said...

NAhhhh it's "SHORTY" and it suits his 3/4 size!! LOL

Unknown said...

My laptop is named Elmo, the truck is Godzilla and I don't have any musical instruments but I did name one of my rifles AHNULD.